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NOTICE: This page is based on spiritual channeling. It is not based on history books. Therefore treat this as fictional writing, but with the added bonus that maybe, just maybe, these are based on real contact with the real Romans through time!

It is no secret that Quintus Hortensius Hortalus, one of the well-known, but not most known, Ancient Romans, does not like me. Even though I have fallen in love with this man. He was consul and orator in Rome, and we also remember him today since his daughter Hortensia was an orator once even though she was a woman.

I channeled the daughter of Quintus Hortensius Hortalus, Hortensia, to learn more about her and find out more about her work as an orator. Instead she talked in length about the curse by god Mercury on her family which had made both her father and herself sonless. I contacted her father Hortensius to learn more about the family, and he too talked only about the curse, and he was very angry and hostile toward me.

I fell in love with Hortensius. He was an exceptionally handsome man, and he has a focus and intensity about him which is irresistible and draws you in. When I channeled him the second time, things got even worse. I told him I love him, and it only made him angry and he told me to go back home to my father. Hortensius suffers so severely under the curse of being sonless, that he felt very violated upon that anyone would even be approaching his cursed sonless family, so he directed his immense frustration, fear, hopelessness and anger about the curse at me, because I had come to see his cursed family. Perhaps the channeling will be comedic to read, in the juxtaposition of him expressing curses and hatred at me, and me trying to explain to him that I am in love with him. Unless it is unethical that I would be bothering this man in the afterlife.

Quintus Hortensius Hortalus made a gesture with his hand. The thumb and index finger make a circle. One of the remaining three fingers, either the middle finger or the ring finger and I am not at all sure which of these two fingers it was, is held vertically down on the other side of the ring, visible through the ring with equal space seen on either side of it through the ring. The remaining two fingers are seen pointing outward each at a different angle. This hand is held so that the person it is cast upon, sees the ring behind which are the remaining fingers.

Hortensius just suddenly - well, I was getting him pretty angry by then - held his hand up toward me like this and he didn't say anything and it was also not preceded by any action or words that would have been connected to it. I was surprised at first to see it, but I quickly guessed it right that it was a curse. He would do it a second time after a short while. He explained to me precisely what this meant. This curse meant that my travel to sail home across the seas was cursed and not safe, I presume there would be stormy seas and I would die at sea.

After some time he regretted making the curse, and he presented to me a gold amulet which had the exact same symbol on it, the shape of an O the ring, and a vertical bar across it, perhaps even with the remaining two fingers directed outward at different angles. This is made ut of gold or at least gold colored and an amulet worn on a chain around the neck. He gave this to me so that my sails across the sea would be safe. I would have to check the notes, but maybe he made the second curse after giving me this amulet, and so changing his mind again for the negative.

On the picture I am making my best effort at making the curse, though don't worry, your sails across the seas will be safe, I am not cursing anybody with it. I found it harder to make with the right hand, though I am right handed, and easier done with my left as on this picture. It was also hard to hold the middle finger vertical straight and positioned center in the ring. Remember I am not entirely sure if it is the middle finger or the ring finger that is held vertical center in the ring, but here I am using the middle finger. And perhaps Hortensius was using his right hand to make it, and here I am using my left. But if you ignore the fact that I have pink nail polish, which Hortensius he had not, then this is what the curse looked like.

Yes, this is the man I fell in love with. Let's just say that he doesn't feel the same way about me.

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