Ganesha Our Octopus Creator God

Hello and welcome to these pages about Ganesha. Here I will tell you how Ganesha came to me and how I discovered that Ganesha is real and who he is. Ganesha is the elephant God in Hinduism but I have learned that Ganesha is actually an octopus Creator God and he has created the blue Hindu Kings (such as Krishna and Paternam), he also created the Angels (such as Arch Angel Michail and others), and he created the Vegas, and then the Vegas have created us. Please come here and learn all about who this beautiful Ganesha is and what he has to teach us.

Ganesha has invocated me to be one of his Maharishis. A Maharishi is a human who has been transformed by Ganesha to see the Kingdom and Heaven and to become a body of white light adorned in golden. I have conversations with Ganesha and with his blue Kings and all they want to do is to share paradise and Heaven with us humans so that we can live happy lives. Ganesha will speak here on these pages.

Read about Nam Shakti

I wish you the Happiness and Heaven and Beauty of Ganesha to be found in your Hearts and to be discovered by your Eyes. You are all glory waiting to happen, seeds slumbering in a forgotten discovery.

If they are seeds, all they need is water. And we are here to give it to them. ~ smiles Ganesha the beautiful God, February 17, 2014, 11:45 PM

Please start by learning how I discovered Ganesha. Ganesha was first mentioned to me by a Fallen Angel called Lord Gazekiel who told me that the Creator God looks like an octopus. Later Arch Angel Michail asked me if I would like to see God, and he said that God looks like an octopus and I was let to see the face of Ganesha. Please start here:

Read about how I discovered Ganesha

You are now a Maharishi. You are one of my own. ~ Ganesha, February 17, 2014, 5:08 PM he says to me about my golden and white transformation that he gave me
Are you not happy to be with us? Please, tell us that you are happy. ~ one of the blue Hindu Kings says to me
I am happy to be golden and white. I am happy to be with you. ~ me
It is the Heaven and the Kingdom. ~ blue Hindu King
You are now his Maharishi. ~ blue man says to me
Thank you. It is beautiful. I will enjoy this life with you and with my Ganesha. Thank you for welcoming me. ~ me

Another thing that the dark blue Hindu King says to me:
Welcome to the Deva Passana. ~ dark blue Hindu King says to me
You are now a Hindi. ~ dark blue Hindu King says to me

Just a few minutes ago Ganesha gave me a transformation which I will describe shortly. These Hindu deities are welcoming me into their Kingdom. It is a place of white light and golden and the world is Heaven.

On February 19, 2014 Ganesha said to me, about me: "You are a Sri Debti." It is fantastic that they speak to me in Hindi. I don't know any Hindi so I couldn't be making this up.

Read about what Ganesha says about Fruit
it also discusses the fruit of knowledge of God and when humans lost the paradise

How do I know that Ganesha and the Blue Kings are not demonic or satanic lies? I question this every day. But here is why I feel comfortable with being "almost sure" that this is truth:
1. Arch Angel Michail showed me God and it was Ganesha. Arch Angel Michail comes in light that a demon could never imitate or fake, I would think.
2. The incredibly powerful experience it is to see Ganesha the octopus Creator God and when he and the Blue King took me to their Kingdom of Heaven, what I saw there, and the body they made for me out of soft ivory white light adorned in gold, are things that the demons can not copy. The demons would like to live there but they cannot.
3. Common sense. Ganesha wants us to eat fruit, I know that fruit is heavenly food for humans. The demons want us to not eat fruit and want us to eat meat. Ganesha does not want us to eat meat.
4. The information. Read the page about fruit. According to the Bible, GOD wants humans to suffer, to leave paradise, and to have pain in childbirth. But Ganesha wants us to be in paradise, to know God through the fruit of knowledge of God, and my own studies suggest that fruit is a way for women to have painless childbirth. Ganesha said that "evil Kings" destroyed the fruit trees of knowledge of God. The Bible has lied before when it had been rewritten by humans. Remember that humans wrote the Bible so we have to be suspicious and open for the possibility that the Bible has flaws. The Bible says that humans are evil and such, but Ganesha and Hinduism shows us a way back to paradise.

I am learning more every day from these deities and piecing together the puzzles of Hinduism, Christianity, the Bible, the Jews, and our unknown history which includes the Vegas and the Serpent Gods of ancient Sumer. The story will continue to grow daily...

Ashtakurti. ~ one of the Hindu deities says to me, February 19 2014, 11:25 AM, I have of course no idea what this means

A speaker of Hindi and a scholar of Hinduism are needed to assist me in translating Hindi words and to help me learn Hinduism and to study the old texts especially about Ganesha! Please contact me if you can help.

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