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I am a 33-year old Swedish woman. I have one foot in New Age spirituality, and the other foot in real down to Earth science, which is why I channel, but I apply a scientific method to my channeling. I am about one year away from graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and a Bachelor of Science in Physics. I tend to make an A in every course. I apply a scientific thinking to my channeling work, which is why I want to explore my channeling together with historians, historians are the scientists of Ancient Roman studies!

I never had any kind of interest in Ancient Romans whatsoever. One day in the summer of 2014 I was early for an appointment in town, and so I sat down in the library to pass my time. I grabbed just any random book and it happened to be Tom Holland's book "Rubicon" and I found myself captivated. It was like reading a soap opera, I found it very amusing and intrigueing! So I took the book home with me. And as we know, when I was laughing at the picture of the bust of Pompeius in that book, the spirit of Pompeius came to tell me who he is and to ask me to stop mocking him. That is how the Roman channelings ensued. I have contacted more of the Romans and I interview them about their lives and about Rome.


Ever since I was a little girl I had an alien or a guardian angel with me whose name is Narkael. We live still very closely together. When she moves in close to me my eye color changes from blue and into her vibrant green, so vibrant are the eyes then that everyone who sees me comments on my radiant eyes! I get many spiritual abilities and also knowledge from her. The reason why I can channel and see beyond the normal human range of perception, is because beings like her can and it is really she who channels. For the sake of scientifically looking at my channeled work, Narkael is perhaps irrelevant to that, yet now and then she becomes mentioned in the texts I write with the channeling.

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